Week 5: Quote

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
“Love always changes everything.” ( Yoon 298)

Image result for the sun is also a star movieThis quote is part of a chapter describing Natashas attorney's affair with his assistant but it is also referring to Natasha and Daniels relationship. Natasha and Daniel are lost in their own worlds before they meet each other. Things are complicated and lonesome. Natasha is struggling with her deportation and lives a more negative life. Daniel is worried about his future and will not stand up to his awful older brother. After they meet, things in their lives start to fall into place. Natasha doesn't get deported and learns how sometimes things do happen for a reason. Daniel starts to figure out what he wants the future to look like and finally stands up to his brother. I believe that all of those changes are because love is the answer. 
Love does change everything whether it's for the good or the bad. Relationships form and relationships fall. Love can be scary yet magnificent. Love is painful but also healing. Whether things last or end, love changes just about everything in life. Love can change an object or song or even a place. Love is probably the strongest force in humanity and it can be destructive at times. Almost everyone experiences love whether it is for a family member, friend pet, or significant other. Love is the structure of life and everything involved. Love is like a bird, strong and complex. It is hard to grasp and hard to hold onto and often, it gets away.
Image result for the sun is also a star movieI personally relate a lot to this quote. Over this past weekend, I ended my 11-month relationship. I've broken my arm twice and have fallen head first off a cliff and this breakup was the most painful thing I did. It comes in bursts. I think I am fine and even smile but then something reminds me of him. I still look at my phone throughout the day, waiting for a text that will never come. I don't know how I spend my weekends anymore. I see things differently now. The world is more dull to me than before. Everything has seemed to change but I cannot tell if it is for better or worse. I realized that I idealize love. I want everything to be perfect in a relationship. I try so hard to make things work even when it is impossible. I know that this breakup is better for both of us but. of course, it still hurts. 


  1. Everything you said here is very relateable. I hope time makes things better for both of you.


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