
Showing posts from September 23, 2018

Week 3: Vocab

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon 1-203 futile (pg 3)- incapable of producing any useful result; pointless. unrelentingly (pg 6)- not yielding in strength, severity, or determination. abject (pg 7)- completely without pride or dignity; self-abasing. scrutinizes (pg 9)- examine or inspect closely and thoroughly aglow (pg 13)- glowing. constitutes (pg 14)- be (a part) of a whole irie (pg 20)- (chiefly in Jamaican English) nice, good, or pleasing (used as a general term of approval). bogus (pg 22)- not genuine or true; fake. patois (pg 24)- the dialect of the common people of a region, differing in various respects from the standard language of the rest of the country. incarnations (pg 24)- a person who embodies in the flesh a deity, spirit, or abstract quality. ethiopia (pg 24)- the oldest independent country in Africa colloquial (pg 25)- (of language) used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary. obsolete (pg 26)- no longer produced or used; ou

Week 3: Analytical

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon 1-128 Theme: Destiny The Sun is Also a Star opens up to a passage on scientist Carl Sagan's explanation of how to make an apple pie. He says that "if you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe" (Yoon 1) asserting that everything is connected in some way. The two main characters in The Sun is Also a Star are very different from each other. Natasha is a woman of science and reason while Daniel is a man of hope and passion. Daniel believes that everything happens for a reason, also known as fate. Natasha believes that everything is random and that fate is inexistent. As the book progresses Daniel proves that Natashas theory may not be true. (Nicola Yoon and her husband) Daniel and Natasha see the world very differently and that is what makes the novel so interesting. The reader hears both Natasha and Daniels side of the story with a few chapters in the third person. The third perso

Week 3: Quick Burst

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon 1-100 This video is an interview with Nicola Yoon, the author of The Sun is Also a Star and Everything, Everything.  She talks about how she wrote the novels and her inspirations. She mentions how she put pieces of her own life in the novels as well. 

Week 3: Quote

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon 1-100 “Words shouldn't be allowed to change meanings. Who decides that the meaning has changed, and when? Is there an in-between time when the word means both things. Or a time when the word doesn't mean anything at all?”(pg 25-26) Natasha moved to the United States at eight and lived a pretty normal American teenage life. Her world came crashing down when she found out she was being deported due to her fathers recent DUI. She would go to the courthouse anytime she could to try to overrule her deportation. The novel opens up to the day she is supposed to move back to Jamaica. She meets with case lawyer who goes on to explain how irie Jamaica is. Natasha quickly shuts down his idea by explaining that he had only seen the resort areas of Jamaica, not the whole picture. The following chapter describes the meaning and history behind the word "irie" and later on questions word choice in general. This quote is saying how