Week 7: Vocab

The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider
Image result for the beginning of everything bookaspirations (pg 1)- a hope or ambition of achieving something.
derision (pg 2)- contemptuous ridicule or mockery.
embroidered (pg 3)- decorate cloth by sewing patterns on it with thread.
peripherally (pg 5)- something on the outside or only slightly connected with the subject
profusely (pg 8)- to a great degree; in large amounts.
inexplicably(pg 13)- in a way that cannot be explained or accounted for.
perceptible (pg 25)- able to be seen or noticed.
congregation (pg 31)- a group of people assembled for religious worship.
manor (pg 40)- a large country house with lands; the principal house of a landed estate
decamped (pg 51)- depart suddenly or secretly, especially to relocate one's business or household in another area.
incredulous (pg 53)- unwilling or unable to believe something.
brooding (pg 55)- showing deep unhappiness of thought.
intricacies (pg 57)- the quality of being intricate.
deemed (pg 66)- regard or consider in a specified way.
ineptitude (pg 74)- lack of skill or ability.
tenuous (pg 79)- very weak or slight.


  1. Did you only read 30 pages this week? Or some in a different book?

    1. I finished Meet Cute that week and started this book. I read 54-81 thursday night


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