
Showing posts from September 30, 2018

Week 4: Vocab

The Sun is Also a Star  by Nicola Yoon 1-300 faze (pg 166)- disturb or disconcert (someone). norebang (pg 167)- a singing venue in South Korea where private sound-proof rooms are available for rent, equipped for singing saunters (pg 136)- walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort. berating (pg 124)- scold or criticize (someone) angrily. propriety (pg 141)- the state or quality of conforming to conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morals. penchant (pg 147)- a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something. stoic (pg 149)- a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining. clad (pg 157)- past participle of  clothing . renowned (pg 213)- known or talked about by many people; famous. merit (pg 231)- the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward. writhing (pg 239)- make continual twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body. existent

Week 4: Analytical

The Sun is Also a Star  by Nicola Yoon 1-290 Symbol: Natasha's headphones The symbol of Natasha's headphones is seen many times throughout the book. She got them as a gift from her father for one of her birthdays. Natasha is wearing them the first time she introduces herself. The headphones symbolize Natashas separation from the world. The headphones create a wall between her and the rest of humanity. She put up this wall after watching her father become so defeated by the world. He aspired to be an actor and dreamed of better things. Natasha says how she does not have dreams because they only lead to disappointment. Natasha hesitates to take the headphones off while she is at the USCIS building because she knows that without them, she is vulnerable. She takes them off, showing how her citizenship is worth the risk. When Daniel saves Natasha from being hit by a car, the headphones break. This symbolizes how when Natasha meets Daniel, her walls start to come down. The conce

Week 4: Quick Burst

The Sun is Also a Star  by Nicola Yoon 1-270 This video is about a woman becoming a U.S. citizen. Throughout  The Sun is Also a Star  Natasha struggles with her deportation. She considers America her home while the U.S. government does not. This video is inspiring and a good example of the positivity that comes with immigration. 

Week 4: Quote

The Sun is Also a Star  by Nicola Yoon 1-235 "if people who were actually born here had to prove they were worthy enough to live in America, this would be a much less populated country." (page 112) This quote is said by Natasha referring to her family's deportation. She feels that it is unfair that her family is being deported even though they mean no harm. She believes that her family is a lot more deserving of citizenship than many Americans who were actually born in the U.S. Yoon , being Jamaican herself, can relate with Natasha in many ways. She may understand the feelings of moving to another country and not being accepted by people who may not deserve citizenship themselves. As a reader, it is interesting to see how to author incorporates his or her life into literature. This quote is ver y significant in today's society. The country is struggling with the acceptance of immigrants and many people have different views on the matter. President Tru