
Showing posts from October 28, 2018

Week 8: Vocab

T he Beginning of Everything  by Robyn Schneider 198- 352 How to Be Popular  by Meg Cabot 1-25 Total Pages read: 1,341 Rife (pg 182)- excessively abundant Sanctimonious (pg 167)- excessively or hypocritically pious Abject (pg 200)- of the most contemptible kind Impute (pg 205)- attribute or credit to Noxious (pg 206)- injurious to physical or mental health Aberration (pg 207)- a state or condition markedly different from the norm Obdurate (pg 226)- stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing Punctilious (pg 256)- marked by precise accordance with details Impinge (pg 234)- infringe upon Quaint (pg 272)- attractively old-fashioned Abjure (pg 295)- formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief Abnegation (pg 310)- the denial and rejection of a doctrine or belief Surfeit (pg 324)- indulge (one's appetite) to satiety Surreptitious (pg 241)- marked by quiet and caution and secrecy Abrogate (pg 350)- revoke formally

Week 8: Analytical

The Beginning of Everything  by Robyn Schneider 198- 352 Most stories have both static and dynamic characters that add to the storyline. The Beginning of Everything has a mix of both. The three main characters in the novel are Ezra Faulkner, Toby Ellicott, and Cassidy Thorpe. All three of them are different in their own ways. Robyn Schneider uses characterization to explain the characters. Ezra is the main character and he is definitely dynamic. Toby is Ezra's best friend and he is pretty static. Cassidy is Ezra's love interest of the novel and she is dynamic like Ezra. All three characters add to the novel making it far more interesting. Ezra Faulker's life took a huge turn after an accident that left him disabled. Ezra was at the top of the food chain: he was student body president, captain of the tennis team, prom king and dating the most popular girl in school. After the car accident, Ezra had to basically restart his life. He lost all of his friends and realized wh

Week 8: Quick Burst

The Beginning of Everything  by Robyn Schneider 165-198 This video is about a few accidents that occured in disney parks. It relates to The Beginning of Everything because the first chapter is all about how Ezra's old best friend suffered a tragedy there.

Week 8: Quote

The Beginning of Everything  by Robyn Schneider 81-165 “Life is the tragedy,' she said bitterly. 'You know how they categorize Shakespeare's plays, right? If it ends with a wedding, it's a comedy. And if it ends with a funeral, it's a tragedy. So we're all living tragedies, because we all end the same way, and it isn't with a goddamn wedding” (Schneider 125) This quote is said by the towns new girl Cassidy. She says this to the main character Ezra after he complains about his life. Ezra was the most popular kid in school playing tennis and being student body president. That all changed when he got in an accident leaving a party the week before from his junior year. The story skips to his senior year and Ezra's life has changed a bit. He mentions how he hadn't seen his friends all summer and instead had many surgeries to repair the damage to his body. He was told he could never play tennis again because of the damage to his knee. Ezra went from