
Showing posts from October 7, 2018

Week 5: Vocab

Meet Cute  by  Jennifer L. Armentrout,  Dhonielle Clayton,  Katie Cotugno, Katharine McGee, Kass Morgan,  Meredith Russo ,  Sara Shepard ,  Nicola Yoon,   Ibi Zoboi ,  Julie Murphy,  Jocelyn Davies,  Nina LaCour,   Emery Lord. 1-43 Siege Etiquette etiquette (pg 1)-  the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group. immaculately (pg 2)-  in a perfectly clean, neat, or tidy manner. foyer (pg 2)-  an entrance hall or other open area in a building used by the public, especially a hotel or theater. arcane (pg 3)-  understood by few; mysterious or secret. incessant (pg 5)-  continuing without pause or interruption. sentient (pg 6)-  able to perceive or feel things. facade (pg 7)-  the face of a building, especially the principal front that looks onto a street or open space. munitions (pg 11)-  military weapons, ammunition, equipment, and stores. Print Shop debossing (pg 22)-  stamp (a design) into the surface of an object

Week 5: Analytical

The Sun is Also a Star  by Nicola Yoon 320-344 Topic: Point of Views One thing that set The Sun is Also a Star apart from other books is that it has multiple points of views. Most of the time the chapters are through the point of view of either Natasha or Daniel but sometimes the point of view is through another character or it may be in the third person. This adds an entirely different dynamic to the writing. Yoon did something uncommon and explained the lives and emotions of many characters.  It is interesting to have both characters' viewpoints on the story. In most novels, the reader only hears the story through the eyes of one character, but with this style, the reader gets to experience the events with more details. The reader gets to learn not only what the characters do but also why they do it. Daniel experiences love at first sight when he first sees Natasha but she is reluctant to express any feelings back. Because of the multiple viewpoints, the reader learns

Week 5: Quick Burst

The Sun is Also a Star  by Nicola Yoon 320-344 This is a video on the odds of finding ones soulmate. This relates to The Sun is Also a Star because basically everything had to line up perfectly for Natasha and Daniel to meet. They are meant to be together and its not just coincidental that they met.

Week 5: Quote

The Sun is Also a Star  by Nicola Yoon 300-320 “Love always changes everything.” ( Yoon 298) This quote is part of a chapter describing Natashas attorney's affair with his assistant but it is also referring to Natasha and Daniels relationship. Natasha and Daniel are lost in their own worlds before they meet each other. Things are complicated and lonesome. Natasha is struggling with her deportation and lives a more negative life. Daniel is worried about his future and will not stand up to his awful older brother. After they meet, things in their lives start to fall into place. Natasha doesn't get deported and learns how sometimes things do happen for a reason. Daniel starts to figure out what he wants the future to look like and finally stands up to his brother. I believe that all of those changes are because love is the answer.  Love does change everything whether it's for the good or the bad. Relationships form  and relationships fall. Love can be scary yet magnific