Week 5: Analytical

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

Topic: Point of Views

Image result for love at first sightOne thing that set The Sun is Also a Star apart from other books is that it has multiple points of views. Most of the time the chapters are through the point of view of either Natasha or Daniel but sometimes the point of view is through another character or it may be in the third person. This adds an entirely different dynamic to the writing. Yoon did something uncommon and explained the lives and emotions of many characters. 
It is interesting to have both characters' viewpoints on the story. In most novels, the reader only hears the story through the eyes of one character, but with this style, the reader gets to experience the events with more details. The reader gets to learn not only what the characters do but also why they do it. Daniel experiences love at first sight when he first sees Natasha but she is reluctant to express any feelings back. Because of the multiple viewpoints, the reader learns how it is because she does not believe in love, therefore, she does not recognize her own feelings. 
Image result for attractive guy lawyerOne of the characters that pops up is Jeremy Fitzgerald, Natasha's lawyer. Due to the chapter about his history, the reader learns how he is a married man who is desperately in love with is paralegal Hannah. Jeremy is supposed to go to a meeting with a judge who would be able to help Natasha's family stay in the country, but he is with Hannah instead. The chapter also tells the reader what happens after the novel, explaining how he goes on to marry Hannah and they live long happy lives together. Yoon did an amazing job with this chapter. It should be upsetting to the reader that the lawyer missed Natasha's last chance to cheat on his wife, but instead it shows the good sides of Jeremy. This makes him seem like less of a bad guy but instead just human. 
Image result for old security guardAnother character that pops up is the security guard, Joe. The chapter is probably the most emotional is the book. It explains his past and present. Before the chapter he lets Natasha and Daniel go to a rooftop to be together. The chapter explains why he did this for them. It mentions how Natasha reminded him of his deceased wife who had died the previous year. Joe and his wife retired together and the next day she was diagnosed with cancer and given 6 months to live. The chapter describes how their love was real and similar to Natasha and Daniels. It then explains how after his wife died Joe began working again to make use of his time. 
The point of views help to bring the story together and I personally would not have enjoyed it as much without the various viewpoints.


  1. I like books with multiple perspectives. Not all authors do a great job with it, but it can be very refreshing.


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