Week 2: Quote

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
Pages: 1-306

"A universe that can wink into existence can wink out again" (pg 280)

This quote is written after Maddy realizes that her mother has been lying to her her entire life. Maddy was raised to believe that she had the rare condition called SCID. The condition basically means that Maddy was allergic to everything. SHe was unable to leave her house and lived a very isolated, lonely life. She spends most of her time with her mother or her nurse. After Maddy runs away to Hawaii to be with Olly, she gets sick. Her mother took her back home and used it as proof of why Maddy needed to listen to her. Months after, Maddy gets an email from the doctor that treated her in Hawaii saying how she never had SCID. After further investigation, Maddy finds out that she was never sick. Her mother suffers from PTSD after the death of Maddy's father and brother when Maddy was an infant. Maddy was kept indoors for 18 years and never able to have a real life. In this quote, Maddy is referring to how her entire life changed with this new information. She was able to do whatever she wanted, which was to be with Olly.
This quote is saying how things can change so quickly and then change again. Change is a natural part of life. Trends change, Technology changes, and people change. Life is filled with change. The only thing consistent about life is the end of it. At least one person dies every minute and that itself is a change. It is up to the individual whether the change is a good or bad thing. Some people enjoy the inconsistencies of life while others do not.
Change is a scary part of life for me. I always like to know what's going to happen next so when random changes happen, they really affect my mental state. I have bipolar disorder so when a sudden change occurs, it can cause me to almost shift into a different person. I like to always be prepared for every situation before it occurs, even the negative ones. I dislike when people disappoint me but sometimes I even prepare myself for that. I have a difficult time trusting people and that may correlate with why I have such a small friend group. I like people that I can rely on. I like consistency and structure so when change happens, it really affects me. I understood Maddy at this moment immensely. Her entire world transformed due to one change. But even I know that change is a good thing; therefore,  I am learning to accept it.


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