Week 2: Vocab

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
Pages 1-306
The Sun is a Star by Nicola Yoon
Pages 1-98

epoch (pg 93)- a period of time that is very important in history
belie (pg 129)- to give a false idea of (something)
pantomime (pg 144)- a way of expressing information or telling a story without words by using body movements and facial expressions
despot (pg 150)- a ruler who has total power and who often uses that power in cruel and unfair ways
gabled (174)- a section of a building's outside wall that is shaped like a triangle and that is formed by two sections of the roof sloping down
orrery (pg 176)- an apparatus showing the relative positions and motions of bodies in the solar system by balls moved by a clockwork
obstinate (pg 175)- stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so
phonetic (pg 8)- having a direct correspondence between symbols and sounds
paradoxical (pg 189)- seemingly absurd or self-contradictory.
chilaquiles (pg 201)- (in Mexican cooking) a dish of fried tortilla strips typically topped with a
spicy tomato sauce and cheese.
hypertension (pg 239)- abnormally high blood pressure.
fibrillation (pg 239)- a muscular twitching involving individual muscle fibers acting without coordination


  1. I know you aren't reading this book this week, but I still need to know the pages you DID read in whatever book you're on.


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