Week 4: Analytical

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon1-290
Symbol: Natasha's headphones

Image result for building walls around my heartThe symbol of Natasha's headphones is seen many times throughout the book. She got them as a gift from her father for one of her birthdays. Natasha is wearing them the first time she introduces herself. The headphones symbolize Natashas separation from the world. The headphones create a wall between her and the rest of humanity. She put up this wall after watching her father become so defeated by the world. He aspired to be an actor and dreamed of better things. Natasha says how she does not have dreams because they only lead to disappointment. Natasha hesitates to take the headphones off while she is at the USCIS building because she knows that without them, she is vulnerable. She takes them off, showing how her citizenship is worth the risk. When Daniel saves Natasha from being hit by a car, the headphones break. This symbolizes how when Natasha meets Daniel, her walls start to come down. The concept is brilliant and I appreciate the details Nicola Yoon included because they make the story even more interesting. Image result for trustI can relate with Natasha because I do the same thing at school. I wear headphones to avoid socializing with my classmates. Everyone seems to already have their opinions on me so why should I put in the effort to change them? I visualize the big picture. I know that after high school, I will rarely see any of my classmates. Out of school, however, I put in the effort to make new friends. Over the past year, my relationships with my coworkers have changed a lot. I started dating my boyfriend/coworker, Connor, last November and he helped me to come out of my shell at work. He helped me pull the walls down. I feel like I can be myself and that people will accept me. My classmates may not truly know me but the people who matter to me most do. People build walls because they are scared of what is on the outside. Maybe someone hurt them so much or so badly that they cannot trust anyone. Trust is a sacred thing. It is terrifying but beautiful. When the walls come back down, that is the beauty. Something or someone was worth trusting again. 


  1. You always do a nice job with the personal relation paragraphs of these blogs. I think you could do more with the analysis of the book, though I like what you chose here with this symbol.
    I am always perplexed by what you say about what your classmates already think of you. How do you know what they think?


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