Week 4: Quote

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

"if people who were actually born here had to prove they were worthy enough to live in America, this would be a much less populated country." (page 112)

Image result for immigrationThis quote is said by Natasha referring to her family's deportation. She feels that it is unfair that her family is being deported even though they mean no harm. She believes that her family is a lot more deserving of citizenship than many Americans who were actually born in the U.S. Yoon, being Jamaican herself, can relate with Natasha in many ways. She may understand the feelings of moving to another country and not being accepted by people who may not deserve citizenship themselves. As a reader, it is interesting to see how to author incorporates his or her life into literature.
Image result for immigrationThis quote is very significant in today's society. The country is struggling with the acceptance of immigrants and many people have different views on the matter. President Trump is a big advocate for deportation. He bases his views on terrorism in the Muslim community. This is slightly reasonable considering the attacks of September 11th in 2001 or the Boston marathon bombings but that does not mean all Muslims are out to kill. President Trump also seems to have issues with Mexican immigrants as well. Trump view many immigrants as burdens to the country where in fact, this country was built on immigration. On the other side of the spectrum, many people may believe that open borders are the right way to go, but this may not be the best decision either. For the county's safety and well-being, it is important for Americans to find a balance.
My views on immigration are pretty fair. I believe that as a country, America must learn to accept all differences. I think having background checks is a must but it should not be as difficult to enter the country as it is. Maybe Trump's idea to build a wall may sound silly to some, but personally, I support it. I think-it is important to have security and structure to protect the country. I also understand Natashas point on how unfair citizenship can be. Many Americans really do not deserve the benefits of America. Many people take advantage of the services that America supplies and others are criminals. I think people that wish to enter the country should have equal opportunities to do so. Undocumented immigrants should also have opportunities to gain citizenship before deportation. In Natashas families case, I personally do not think that her family should be deported due to a DUI. Although DUIs are serious, I do not think that it is a valid reason to take an entire family from their home. Americans do the same thing frequently and are not sent away. The justice system should treat all people the same, regardless of their nationality.


  1. It's certainly a big topic. I was curious if any of your classmates would have already commented on this, but it looks like I'm the first one for this week.


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