Week 8: Vocab

The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider
198- 352

Image result for how to be popular bookHow to Be Popular by Meg Cabot

Total Pages read: 1,341
Rife (pg 182)- excessively abundant
Sanctimonious (pg 167)- excessively or hypocritically pious
Abject (pg 200)- of the most contemptible kind
Impute (pg 205)- attribute or credit to
Noxious (pg 206)- injurious to physical or mental healthAberration (pg 207)- a state or condition markedly different from the norm
Obdurate (pg 226)- stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
Punctilious (pg 256)- marked by precise accordance with details
Impinge (pg 234)- infringe upon
Quaint (pg 272)- attractively old-fashioned
Abjure (pg 295)- formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief
Abnegation (pg 310)- the denial and rejection of a doctrine or belief
Surfeit (pg 324)- indulge (one's appetite) to satiety
Surreptitious (pg 241)- marked by quiet and caution and secrecy
Image result for beginning of everything book

Abrogate (pg 350)- revoke formally


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