Week 6: Quote

Meet Cute by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Dhonielle Clayton, Katie Cotugno, Katharine McGee, Kass Morgan, Meredith Russo, Sara Shepard, Nicola Yoon, Ibi Zoboi, Julie Murphy, Jocelyn Davies, Nina LaCour, Emery Lord.

43- 88

“Everyone is always telling my generation that we aren't going to know how to engage with people. We're all going to end up with computer chips implanted in our brains and screens stuck in our eyes like contact lenses. But no one gives us any solutions, so I decided to find my own.” (Lacour 21)

Image result for print shopThis comes from the short story "Print Shop" by Nina Lacour in Meet Cute. It is said by a print enthusiast named Evelyn about how people judge the younger generation for how tech-dependent kids are. Evelyn works at a print shop with three other people. She is the youngest as only a teenager when the other three are adults. It is safe to say that Evelyn is mature for her age. She has good insight into the world and enjoys working with her hands. Many teenagers these days do not have the same morals and values that she does. 

This quote is very accurate in today's world. Adults tend to think of teenagers in a poor way. They think that teenagers are obsessed with technology and social media. Teenagers may be obsessed with technology but it is not entirely their fault. Parenting also plays a role in the way kids are raised. Many parents give their children technology at a young age.
Technology is not all bad though. It has made life easier and safer. People can get more accomplished because it takes less time to do simple tasks. Some important technological applications include weather apps, fitness trackers, homework reminders and of course google in general. It is very easy to find the answer to any questions on the internet. This has benefits but also a disadvantage. It makes kids expect other things in life to be easy. People do not have to work as hard for their goals and it has overall made people lazier. 
Image result for social mediaSocial media is another issue in todays society. Some people use it wisely by just sharing photos with family or friends but the majority of people do not. Many young people post only the best moments in their lives to make themselves look better. Social media is most likely the leading cause of depression in teens. When teenagers see all these photos of people living "amazing" lives it may make them insecure about why their lives aren't the same. 
Image result for technologyPersonally, I do not think kids should be exposed to technology or social media at a young age. Even my own sisters watch a lot of T.V. I try to do stuff with them as much as possible to avoid having them addicted to technology. It is concerning to see how they are already hooked on technology. Luckily they are still too young, ages 2 and 3, to be using social media, but when they are older I will have to pay close attention to them. I do not want them to feel bad about themselves because of other people. If I ever have my own kids they will not be exposed to a lot of technology until they are old enough to realize that they must work for what they want in life.


  1. I agree, technology can be a problem but it is not always the kids fault. We grew up around computers, video games, phones, ext as a kid. It is hard for us to live without something we were introduced to right away and something we have been used to our whole life.

  2. Yes I do agree that technology is starting to become a problem in our world. So many of us are living our lives around or even through technology.


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